
Cranky Desk Toy

Posted by Popular Gadget 12/27/2010

Popular Gadget | Cranky Desk Toy | 1580 Chico Bicalho was born in Rio de Janeiro and studied at an elementary school where the football field had trees throughout, because the school was against cutting them down. Later he moved to Petropolis, RJ, an area surrounded by the South Atlantic tropical rainforest. He believes in having a spiritual life, in freedom, and in peace. He supports the theory that the earth is one living thing and feels that humans should understand nature, live with nature, and be equal to nature. He received a BFA in sculpture from RISD and MFA in photography NYU. 

Since 1995, he has been working with a group of friends on reforestation projects replanting native South Atlantic tropical rain forest trees. Chico lives in Rio with his wife, a graphic designer / industrial designer called Isabella Torquato. He wants to keep traveling, making art, and planting trees. Cranky wants to help you remember stuff by holding cards, pictures, notes, reminders, whatever you can wedge in its little claws. He dances to get your attention, kind of like those women in boxing matches who show the rounds cards. Nevertheless, Cranky's action is more exciting when he's not holding anything, since he isn't a bodybuilder, and the weight slows the poor creature down. Designed by: Chico Bicalho Features: -Silver, green and yellow keys, green, blue and white feet. -Material: stainless spring, PVC feet. -Overall Dimensions: 4.5'' H x 2.5'' W x 1.5'' D. 

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